About Us

Embarking on a Trailblazing Journey of Innovation

Welcome to EngTech Software Solution, an ambitious startup on a mission to revolutionize engineering data management. We are a team of passionate individuals with a shared vision to empower engineers with cutting-edge solutions that streamline their workflow, enhance collaboration, and save valuable time.

Our Vision: Transforming Engineering Data Management

At EngTech Software Solution, our vision is crystal clear – we aspire to transform the way engineering data is handled. Our goal is to equip engineers with innovative tools that simplify their data management tasks, liberating them from the burden of non-productive work and enabling them to focus on what they do best – design, innovate, and create.

Meet Our Journey: Pioneering a New Era in Data Management

As a startup, we are proud to be at the forefront of change. While we may be new to the market, our drive to make a meaningful impact is unwavering. We bring fresh perspectives and cutting-edge solutions to the table, challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in engineering data management.

Engineering Excellence Unleashed: Our Trailblazing Solutions

At EngTech Software Solution, we offer a range of trailblazing solutions designed to elevate engineering excellence:

  • Cloud-Based Sliced Object PDM System: Our innovative browser-accessible solution harnesses sliced object technology, redefining file transfers with lightning-fast speeds and efficient data organization.
  • Seamless Collaboration: With multi-user access and role-based permissions, our platform fosters seamless collaboration among engineering teams, promoting real-time sharing and feedback.
  • Elevated Efficiency: By automating data management tasks and centralizing engineering files, our system maximizes efficiency, propelling projects towards faster time-to-market and reduced costs.
Our Promise: Benefits of Partnering with EngTech Software Solution LTD.

When you partner with EngTech Software Solution, you gain access to a range of benefits that drive engineering excellence in a cost-effective way:

  • Innovation: Embrace cutting-edge solutions that empower your team to work smarter and more efficiently, unlocking the true potential of your projects.
  • Personalized Support: As a startup, we prioritize building solid relationships with our clients, providing personalized support tailored to your unique requirements.
  • Forward-Thinking Approach: We are not bound by the conventions of the past. Our forward-thinking approach ensures that we adapt to your evolving needs and stay ahead of the curve.

Join Us on this Trailblazing Journey

As we embark on this trailblazing journey from Vancouver, British Columbia, we invite engineering firms across Canada to be a part of our vision. Together, let’s usher in a new era of engineering data management, where efficiency, collaboration, and innovation converge.

At EngTech Software Solution, we believe that every great journey begins with a single step. Take that step with us, and let’s redefine engineering data management, one innovation at a time.

EngTech Software Solution – Embarking on a Trailblazing Journey of Innovation!